QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

If you are a QTH Hosting customer and would like to provide your own testimonial to appear on this page, please contact us.

Outstanding customer service and expert knowledge has been invaluable for our business -- consistently goes above and beyond our highest expectations!

James Edwards, A2Z Social Design

Your web services are top-notch. Thanks for the great support.

Jim Reisert, AD1C

We do all of our hosting with QTH.com. I have never seen a business with more professional and personal service. I recommend QTH.com without hesitation!

Bob Lindner, Web Developer / Owner

The hosting service has been very reliable over the past 6 years, a critical factor for our business. The cPanel statistics have been a valuable tool, enabling us to immediately see the effects of the promotions and special offers we run.

Dave & Judi Jaksa, Custom Digitizer

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

I just wanted to say that I am impressed with the web hosting. The reason I took up a hosting package, apart from the price, is that you always reply quickly to queries with no fuss and no nonsense. Well done!

Michael Todd, A.R. Companion

I appreciate your prompt attention and replies more than I can express. We feel very secure having our sites and domains hosted with you. It is quite a change from our previous web host, iPowerWeb. In fact, I never knew it could be this good!

Hal Hunter, Cheap QSLs

Switched from a big name provider to QTH, after a friend's recommendation. Support has been great. Impressed with their security, and happy they provide free SSL certificates. Best place for your website!

Jim Aspinwall, NO1PC

Thanks for being the greatest webguy this side of Pluto!

Gart Westerhout, Osugi Musical Theatre

We started our web presence with QTH.com back in 1996 and have been very happy ever since. Thank you for the great service.

Bob Raymond, DXTreme Software

Your great customer service is a big reason why I switched to you from ValueWeb.

Mary Charles Blakebrough