QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

If you are a QTH Hosting customer and would like to provide your own testimonial to appear on this page, please contact us.

Thanks so much for your OUTSTANDING Customer Service! I've been in the field for 20 years...you are one of the BEST examples I've EVER seen...SERIOUSLY!!!

Bill Ashby, President, West Valley ARA

I am very delighted to be with your hosting service. This is where I should have been from day one. Thanks for your great support.

Willis Asher

I have been working as a reseller with webhosting companies for over 12 years and I can say without reservation that QTH is the very best out there! I will never go back to any other hosting company again.

Jeannette Shackelford

I have a large website AND a large mailing list, all for less than $5 per month. The list and site work great with never a problem, and I never hesitate to recommend QTH.com to anyone looking for a better web hosting provider.

Jesse, Keepsake Poms

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

I'm writing to say how pleased I am with QTH.com's web hosting service - which has been, and continues to be, absolutely trouble free.

John - HK3C

For never doing this before, creating a site with your SiteBuilder was almost painless and fun!!

Mike Alexander, N0BXE

You have a TOP NOTCH service. I was able to transfer my stuff over without a problem and was up and going in minutes and your email system is really cool! I should have switched long ago. Thanks Scott!

Kelly K7SU

I always receive a prompt response to my requests and questions, even on the holidays! QTH.com has the highest quality of service at the lowest price on the web, always going above and beyond the call of duty for me!

Jenny Williams

I have been with QTH.com since 2003, using them for all of my hosting and domain registration needs and I have never experienced 1 second of downtime on any of my websites. Their customer service cannot be beat!

Jenny Williams

Your web services are top-notch. Thanks for the great support.

Jim Reisert, AD1C